Keith's Blog

Oranges suck

My office building provides free fruit for the people working within it. They have bins of apples, bananas, pears, and oranges all through the building. Today I went for a pear, but they haven't refilled the bins yet this week, so all that was left was oranges. Now I know why.

Oranges are a pain in the ass. I grabbed one, took it back to my desk with some paper towels, and began to slice. With an apple or a pear, slicing the fruit twice top to bottom in an X shape produces four peices of easily edible fruit.

However, the orange produce a lot of orange juice, which ended up all over my desk. And then trying to eat, well rather "drink" the orange, proves futile. You just end up with pulp and juice, which isn't all the appealing. I think from now on, it's pears or bust.


At 3/28/2006 07:25:00 PM, Blogger Behavior Analyst said...

Most people peel and eat according to the natural carpels of the orange. But if you like to cut, well, more power to ya!

At 3/28/2006 09:56:00 PM, Blogger karoberts said...

Wow, and doing all that makes oranges not a pain in the ass?


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