Honda Civics
Today I went to get my car the 105K mile service. It cost $129.95. It included a clean air filter, oil changed, fluids and tire pressure checks, and strangely enough, a tightening of the emergency brake. It now takes considerable effort to pull it. The truly amazing thing though, is that both my front and rear brakes still have tens of thousands of miles left on them, and they're both at least 45K miles in, and I believe the rear have never been replaced! This is pretty miraculous since brake pads usually last between 25 and 35
Unfortunately, I need to take my car back in soon to get the timing belt replaced, for a whopping $550!
While at the dealership, Andrew decided to test drive one of these. A brand new 2006 Honda Civic.
He was very impressed with the added power, new features, and it's stopping ability. Apparently the new Civic is best in class with a 60 to 0 in just 104 feet! It was so impressive, I caught myself thinking about getting one. Fortunately, my miracle car will be with me for some time yet.
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